Flying Matilda (1957)
From the inside cover:
The early days of aviation in Australia were rich in excitement, comedy, and picturesque characters, against a background of sustained and determined effort to build up a service vital to the development of the country.
Norman Ellison’s interest in aviation, dating from his own service in World War 1, has been the ruling passion of his journalistic career, and he has known personally most of Australia’s air pioneers and is the leading authority on their exploits. Here he presents a selection of material he gathered over years of journalistic interest in the early days of Australian aviation. He has not attempted to present a complete chronological record of early aviation, he tells us, but “to convey the spirit of this lusty, uninhibited era”. In this, he has undoubtedly succeeded.
The first part of the book includes such episodes as the birth of Qantas, the beginning of the Flying Doctor Service, of adventure in the Northern Territory and New Guinea, of days of joy-riding and pioneer mail-carrying, and of such men as Hudson Fysh, C.A, Butler, Pentland and Guy Menzies, and with some anecdotes from Air Force fliers of both World Wars.
The second part of the book is the life story of Sir Charles Kingsford Smith, the one and only “Smithy”. For this the author has had access to many family letters and other records hitherto unused, and he gives a full and vivid picture of our greatest aviator.
No one who is interested in aviation- and who in this age can afford not to be? – should fail to read this inspiring and entertaining book.
Daredevils of the Skies (1940)
Author copyright
Ellison wrote a similar book on Australian aviators for younger readers. From the blurb:
True tales of famous Australian airmen
Here are vivid portraits of some of the greatest airmen the world has known-Australians all. Their hopes and ambitions, their stirring deeds in war and peace are faithfully and graphically recorded by one whose knowledge and experience in the sphere of aviation more than fit him for the task
Those dealt with in this volume, the first of a series on Australian airmen, are Lawrence Hargrave, Kingsford Smith, A.H. Cobby, P.G. Taylor, Bert Hinkler, Oswald Watt, Arthur Butler, Ray Parer, J.C. McIntosh, F.H. McNamara and others.
Here is a review from December 1940 :
ANOTHER magnificent book Ideally suitable as a Christmas gift for boys comes from Messrs, Angus and Robertson. This is ‘Daredevils of tho Skies,’ by Norman Ellison, published at 4/0. As the title suggests, the book recalls the exploits of famous Australian airmen. Those daring, adventurous spirits who, from the beginning of aviation, have proved, that sons of this Southern land are super fliers.
It Is particularly fitting that the author should not have overlooked the fact that Lawrence Hargrave, the actual pioneer of modern aviation, was an Australian, and Mr Ellison has given many interesting, and hitherto unknown, facts about that Inventor of the first flying ship ever made.
He also tells thrilling stories of the exploits of other notable aviators. Those such as Sir Kingsford Smith, Rons Smith, Bert Hinkler, Parer and Mclntosh and others about whose superlative deeds the whole world has been enthusiastic, These are red-blooded stories of lusty adventures that will stir the heart of every boy In Australia,
Aces and Kings (1935)
Co-written with L. W. (Leslie William) Sutherland about Sutherland’s experiences with No. 1 Australian Flying Corps squadron in the Middle East. Norman lets Sutherland’s vernacular shine through, keeping the engaging subject matter immediate. Again from the jacket:
Author copyright
The author of this exceptionally interesting book was a pilot in 67 Squadron (Australian) R.F.C., in Palestine during the Great War. He describes the Squadron, its life and its adventures.
No more interesting chapters in the literature of the war have been published than those here, on Lawrence of Arabia, Ross Smith and “Kings of Men” (in which he pays tribute to the chivalry of Felmy and other German airmen).
No passage from war literature is more tragic than “Nine Miles of Dead,” in which he describes the slaughter of two Turkish Armies by the Royal Flying Corps.
“Aces and Kings” is an unaffected history of the Australian “Warbirds” and mingles gallant adventure, humorous incident, and vivid description.
And here is a longer review from December 1935 :
“ACES AND KINGS”: Australian Airmen In War
HUNDREDS of books have been written about the war and war episodes, and many more are sure to be written and published. They have been good, bad, and indifferent. No matter how often a theme has been exploited in this way there is always a welcome awaiting any new story that is at once informing, entertaining, and worth the while of the people of. discriminating taste. One may quite honestly class ‘Aces and Kings’ as a book qualified on its merits to come within the last-mentioned category. It has been written in collaboration by L. W. Sutherland, M.C., D.C.M., and Norman Ellison, whose work as a writer on aviation, and .aviators, has become so widely known through his association with Smith’s Newspapers.
Mr Sutherland was a pilot in the 67th Squadron (Australian) Palestine during the war. In this crisply and graphically written book (a copy of which has been received from the publishers, Angus and Robertson Ltd., Sydney), the joint authors tell of the squadron’s most interesting personnel, Its’ fighting methods, the ‘scraps’ the pilots had with the enemy in the air, and it goes on to relate the destruction of two Turkish corps in retreat.
The book is admirably illustrated with photographs, and there is a foreword by Mr F. M. Cutlack, author of the Official History of Australia in the War, Vol. VIII: The Australian Flying Corps, who congratulates the authors on a work ‘which illuminates the whole story in retrospect.’ It is no small achievement to be able to tell of the naked horror of warfare in all its beastliness and yet brighten the narrative with entertaining sidelights of comedy and romance. One notes with pleasure that the writers saw the intimately human side of the strife regardless of race or class, and that they could so freely admire and respect the gallantry and the manly qualities of the enemy, whether German; Turk, or Austrian.
Nothing more poignantly illustrates the folly, the imbecility, and the brutality of war than this — that men who in times of peace could care for and respect each other, quite apart from racial or geographical divisions, are obliged in time of international strife; to murder each other, or be murdered individually and in the mass!
One of the most dazzling figures thrown up by the war – one of the most amazing in history – was ‘Lawrence of Arabia.’ Innumerable books have been written about this strange, elusive genius… Much of the stuff published about Lawrence has been invented, much of it has been untrue, most of it has been confusing. It Is, therefore, something of a refreshing relief to find stories about him that bear the stamp of authenticity: stories told by those who came into intimate personal contact with him socially, or as a comrade In arms. In this bright book, about 40 pages are devoted to Lawrence.
Many of the stories are new and give a delightful picture of the witty and whimsical side of his character. Lawrence disliked social swank, and he disliked Brass Hats, on much the same general principle, apparently, as the average human boy dislikes governesses. Now during his later and more publicised activities in Arabia, Lawrence was very much a social lion. Society in Cairo did its best to rope him in and make him roar. The big occasion in those days was the Wednesday afternoon dance at Shepheard’s. This was a joint effort by the womenfolk of Cairo – English, French, and Italian social headliners, mostly married, who were vastly concerned about finding a husband, preferably an Englishman, for daughter. Bright young officers were usually the guests.
One afternoon an indefatigable worker roped in Lawrence, and at her arrangement, the band struck up ‘See the Conquering Hero Comes,’ as he entered. The lion was unaware of the musical honour being paid him, but when Madame President set out a speech appropriate to the occasion, Lawrence’s face darkened with anger, and finally, he interrupted ‘Madame, my first pleasure when I return to the Arabs will be to tell them of the fact that in Cairo there exists an organisation of old women who have not yet learned that there is a war in existence.’ Then the lion stalked out of the room.
Next to having Lawrence as a guest, it was the ambition of many Cairo ladies to speak to the lion In public and to be seen so doing. One hot afternoon Lawrence was in the hotel patio when up bustled a lady of not-so-tender years fanning herself vigorously: ‘Ninety-two today, Colonel Lawrence. Think of it, ninety-two.’ ‘Many happy returns of the day, Madame!’ replied Lawrence with a smile. Sir Ronald Storrs (Governor of Jerusalem) told the story ‘of a well-known society lady, newly, arrived from England, who was a guest at a dinner where Lawrence was also a guest. She referred to duchesses by their Christian names, countesses by their pet names, and baronesses by their nicknames. She monopolised the conversation in a heavy, on-dit fashion. The other guests looked bored, but Lawrence’s face registered definite disapproval. The floor-holder noticed this. She pulled up: ‘I am afraid,’ she said, ‘my anecdotes do not interest Colonel Lawrence particularly.’ ‘Particularly?’ repeated Lawrence. ‘Why the anecdotes do not interest me at all.’
Although there are many merry yarns in this book, and many amusing personal anecdotes, the grim, stark, ghastly realities of war are not overlooked. There is the terrible story of the attack by aircraft on the retreating Turkish army, for example— a story of sheer butchery which must have been more than sufficient to satiate the most vindictive and fanatical blood lust ever conceived by the mind of man. In this chapter, called Nine Miles of Dead, the writers vividly describe a veritable inferno of horror which was probably as revolting (in the later stages) for the victors as for the vanquished. The attackers from the air were themselves mentally sick and disgusted before they were through with their job. The book Is written mostly in the strong, nervous, short-sentence, style; which made Mark Twain’s prose a living and enduring force in literature. The whole narrative is graphic and holds the interest of the reader, whether they be mere layman, or aviation expert.
In addition Ellison wrote Fangs of the Sea (1937) with Norman Caldwell
He also wrote numerous articles for newspapers and magazines
Author copyright
The National Library holds the Papers of Norman Ellison
Follow the Norman Ellison Story:
Local resident Norman Ellison: memories of a man behind the iron mast.